Out There Adventure Co was created to share the experiences that have shaped us.

Brockton Cyclery is the home of Out There Adventure Co.

We sell the equipment we use, and empower our customers to get a little out there every day. We provide the enthusiasm and expertise to help get you started on your next adventure.

Brockton Cyclery

Toronto, ON

Est. 2017

Who Are We?



Dan has spent most of his life on a bike. Building upon previous work experience in Latin America as a cycling tour guide and archaeology student, Out There Adventure Co. is a culmination of his interests and passions. When not running Brockton Cyclery, Dan attempts to keep his three kids entertained and browses Google Maps.


Cam fell in love with cycling in his early twenties. Since his first bike tour some years later, he hasn’t thought about cycling or travel the same way. He possesses passion for teaching people to enjoy these experiences while building confidence and skills along the way.


Glen has been an outdoor professional since 2014, with a focus on education, cycle touring, canoe expedition, and making your own gear. A graduate of the Outdoor recreation, parks, and tourism program at Lakehead University, he focused his skills on leadership, expedition management, and risk mitigation.